Phone Smart®: Healthy Phone Habits Made Easy

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My favorite photo 📸✨🌋

Here we all were, 21 of us on the top of an active volcano in the middle of Guatemala, a country that many of us had never even considered visiting before.

We were all taking in perhaps the only view in the world where you can see 5 volcanos from a single viewpoint.

Basking in our success, literally having climbed a mountain together, I remember feeling like I could do anything.

I remember looking around as we gathered for a photo, feeling so connected to this group of incredible leaders.

Not just leaders: Friends.

Friends who had shed tears together.

Friends who had revealed secret desires they had never spoken out loud before.

Friends who had taken a huge leap of faith with ME and accepted my invitation to journey to Guatemala for Brick’s next phone-free retreat.

And although we didn’t know it yet, that night, in pitch darkness, we were going to meditate together and witness something even more magical.

During that meditation, we were going to ask the Universe to part the clouds and show us the red-hot lava explosions that we had traveled across the world to see.

And beyond our wildness expectations, it would.

Exactly on cue, as we opened our eyes out of our group manifestation meditation, the clouds parted and we witnessed a molten-metal explosion of epic proportions light up the entire sky.

"Did we actually just do that?" We all wondered.

3 days earlier, all 21 of us had arrived in Guatemala as complete strangers.

But as one mind, connected towards one shared goal, we had witnessed a miracle.

Why am I telling you this?

Because what could you do if you stopped trying to do it all alone and instead surrounded yourself with a community of like-minded leaders?

What could you do if you all put your heads and hearts together towards a common goal?

What could you do if you knew that you had a group of people rooting for you, supporting you, that you could lean on and be inspired by for the rest of your life?

Everyone who joins a Brick retreat gets to answer these questions and have this community magic because this is what Brick is all about.

And every time I look at my favorite photo from Guatemala, I remember what it felt like standing on top of that volcano, looking around at everyone’s smiling faces, feeling so connected and fulfilled.

It will always remind me of the true power of community.

If you’re looking for a community that can support you, so you can make the biggest impact and have wayyy more fun along the way, we have a few spots left for Brick’s next retreat!

On March 24th we head to a private estate on the outskirts of Zion National Park where we have designed our most transformative phone-free adventure yet.

We going to put away our phones for 4 days and go rock climbing down waterfalls, explore Zion’s world-famous slot canyons, workshop your biggest inner and outer challenges, eat 5-star meals from chefs flying in just for us, hang out under the stars, hike, meditate, and create a life for you that is your highest calling, without burning out.

If you’re ready to discover the power of community and press the reset button with us, it’s less than 10 days away and we have only a few spots left.

So if you feel called to join us, just take 5 mins to apply right now and I'll reach out to get you locked in!

Tommy "community is key" Sobel

P.S. Be on the lookout soon for my next post announcing our next international retreat this Fall!