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A controversial secret about guilt

You know how sometimes you feel bad for others?

This usually sounds like, "I feel bad for him/her/them."

In some ways, this honors what they’re going through.

You could call this empathy, solidarity, or even pity.

But when you say…

"I’m going to do this, because I feel bad for them"...

I invite you to reconsider.

Because that's letting guilt control you.

That's letting "feeling bad" guide you.

Over time, this creates frustration, overwhelm and burnout.

It can even create resentment towards the same people you’re trying to help!

But here’s the bigger issue.

You can’t actually feel bad FOR someone else.

As in, you can’t take someone else’s "badness" and feel it FOR them.

You’re just spreading it, like a virus.

And like a virus, it has a negative effect on you.

You’re adding to the negativity in the world.

You’re lowering your vibration, so to speak.

Maybe you feel like there’s no way around this.

"That’s just what a friend / family does."

Well, what if you could feel good, while still honoring those around you?

What if you could be an even better friend / spouse / coworker, without compromising yourself in the process?

Because you can.

Now I’m not saying don’t do the right thing.

Definitely do the right thing.

But don’t do it out of a sense of obligation, pity or anticipated guilt.

What can you do instead?

Do it out of compassion.

Do the right thing because it’s aligned with YOUR values.

Feel the difference?

The guilt, obligation, pressure, anxiety, that’s all optional.

And if you really want to help others, you wanna know what’s truly revolutionary?

What really will save the world?

Choose to feel good, no matter what’s going on around you.

Make "feeling good" your way of being.

Become emotionally impervious to the dramas of life.

And sure, sometimes life will be painful, and it’s ok to be in pain.

But feeling "bad" (guilt) is optional.

By doing this, you actually lift the level of group consciousness that each of us contribute to.

Instead of taking on someone's low vibe, spread your high vibe.

In a dark room, be the light, and you’ll see it spread like a candle lights other candles.

How? Choose to feel good. Right now. No matter what.

- Tommy

P.S. Having trouble with this? Let's chat.