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I Was Overwhelmed and Unhappy

Me, working another weekend, with my phone, computer and laptop in bed, circa 2015

I was lost in the weeds.

Always working.

Always trying to zero by inbox.

At work. At home. With friends. Even while watching TV and while driving.

I was always so BUSY, but there was no end in sight to everything that kept landing on my plate.

Every waking moment I needed to accomplish something just so I could simply KEEP UP.

I wasn't working smart. I was just working hard.

And I couldn't turn it off.

I lived my whole life like this for years.

I was unfulfilled and overwhelmed.

And if I'm gonna be real with you, I knew I was burning out.

But I just didn't know any other way to live.

Everyone around me was SO BUSY too, so I knew they couldn't help.

It was only when I finally took a giant step back and ZOOMED OUT on my life that I could see what was happening to me:

Years were going by and I was letting "busyness" get in the way of creating the life I wanted.

I finally ended the cycle by taking a couple days off to work with a mentor.

Together we got crystal clear on what I REALLY wanted.

And then we outlined all the obstacles that could get in the way, so that I could anticipate them and be AHEAD OF THE CURVE.

This is why I created Vision Week.

To help others have the exact same breakthrough that I had:

The immense sense of power and freedom that comes with crystal clear clarity on your vision.

So that YOU can work towards what will truly fulfill you.

And confidently say NO to everything else.

Brick's Vision Week is THIS Wednesday and Thursday!

So , it's your last chance to dedicate the necessary time to workshop the BIG picture of your life, instead of letting another week go by, lost in the day-to-day, "busy" but unfulfilled, just like I was.

Grab your spot here before we close sales.

P.S. Since this is a virtual event, pants are optional :)