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Your Guide to Self-Care as an Entrepreneur

Sleep deprivation, stress, and burnout are attributes of entrepreneurship. The hustle-till-you-drop attitude is a deeply entrenched fixture of entrepreneurial culture. It is understandable since surviving where almost 90% of startups fail takes grit and determination. Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs fail to realize that you need to be in good physical and mental health to build long-term success in business. Many successful business owners have learned this hard way.  

The Ultimate Self-Care Practice for Entrepreneurs

At Brick, we believe that it is possible to simultaneously nurture a business and your health. While there are many self-care recommendations, from guided meditation to taking baths, the ultimate self-care practice for entrepreneurs is to regularly put yourself first. You will need to fit effective self-care practices into your busy professional life.

Here are some tips to get you started.  

Healthy Digital Habits

Technology has blurred the lines between our personal and work life. When running a startup, escaping technology is seemingly impossible. Email notifications can own you if you let them. You need to set strict digital boundaries and stick to them.

Automating as many business tasks as possible from expense tracking to payroll management can help you minimize screen time.

Practice Mindfulness

Understanding yourself is as important as understanding your business. Mindfulness involves actively paying attention to your feelings, thoughts, and physical sensations. It helps you make decisions based on your current reality and bring your whole self into every task including running your business.  

Manage Your Time Effectively

When starting a business it may seem like you literally have to do everything yourself from operations to marketing. Many entrepreneurs often find themselves still in the office in the wee hours of the morning. Planning your time allows you to allocate self-care practices such as getting enough sleep and engaging in social activities so that you are a well-rounded entrepreneur. 

Take Vacations

Micromanaging every aspect of your business is tempting but it can cause serious problems to your health and wellbeing. You need to untether yourself from your startup and take a break from the grind by taking a vacation. Getting a change of scenery once in a while to relax and decompress will help you recover and re-energize.  

Form an LLC

Less paperwork, increased flexibility, limited liability, and a range of tax advantages are not only good for business but are also effective at relieving the stress of an entrepreneur. These are some of the advantages of registering your business as a Limited Liability Company (LLC). Before you register LLC, California has its own regulations so make sure to check beforehand.

Final Thoughts

Dedication to business success is admirable and for this reason startup founders typically pride themselves on working long hours. Such focus on getting the job done is often at the expense of self-care. Unfortunately, the negative effects of failing to carve out time to take care of yourself are invisible until it’s too late and you’ve already caused serious harm to your health. Acknowledging that you have a problem and making a commitment to prioritize self-care is the first step to improving your health and boosting your productivity. Visit Brick for more enriching resources like this article.